It's so fun to act like a kid sometimes! Yesterday, Jeremy and I bought the most awesome XBox360 game ever - Viva Pinata. I'm officially hooked!! It's such a cute game - the gist of it is that you're given this plot of land and you have to create a garden that will attract Pinata's to come and live there. You are given this plot that's covered with bad soil, weeds and trash, and you have to start from the ground up (no pun intended), planting grass, buying seeds to grow, building houses for the resident pinatas, calling the doctor when a pinata gets sick, etc. You also have to get your resident pinata's to "romance" each other, and then they will have baby pinatas. The aim of the game (even though it has no end), is to fill your resident pinatas with enough happiness candy that they are sent out to parties to make little boys and girls happy. I love it!! It's so much fun! So far my garden has 3 pinata houses (for my Whirlm's, Sparrowmints and Bunnycombs, of course), a pond, an apple tree and two hazelnut trees, and about a dozen different types of pinatas. Woo!!
And if that wasn't childish enough for all of you, last night Jeremy and I went to see Shrek 3 with one of my friends from work, Melyssa, and her boyfriend Dave. It wasn't that bad - it was much better than the second one, but still not as good as the first. The theatre we saw it in showed it in Digital projection, which meant the picture quality was unbelieveable! The only bad part about the night was that we had an obnoxious little boy sitting behind us who kept burping through the entire movie. Yuck! He was clearly forcing them, and his parents did nothing to stop him (except by saying "Stop burping", to which he usually replied with another one). It was disgusting!
And if that wasn't childish enough for all of you, last night Jeremy and I went to see Shrek 3 with one of my friends from work, Melyssa, and her boyfriend Dave. It wasn't that bad - it was much better than the second one, but still not as good as the first. The theatre we saw it in showed it in Digital projection, which meant the picture quality was unbelieveable! The only bad part about the night was that we had an obnoxious little boy sitting behind us who kept burping through the entire movie. Yuck! He was clearly forcing them, and his parents did nothing to stop him (except by saying "Stop burping", to which he usually replied with another one). It was disgusting!
By the way, the new Transformers movie looks sooooo AWESOME! Seriously, it looks fantastic! I can't wait until it comes out!
Now, back to the land of adults. Jeremy and I are pretty much all moved in to our new apartment. We did a bunch of unpacking/cleaning last weekend, and managed to get most of our pictures hung. Here are some pictures (don't mind the mess - the cleanliness doesn't usually last long!) -
From the outside...We're the apartment on the top floor, middle door on the left.
Living room. We have a real wood fireplace (on the left)!!

Dining room.

Kitchen. It's kind of old, but we didn't want to pay an extra $200 a month for a renovated one. At least everything works (kind of).

This is our resident beaver! Jeremy found him one day when he was walking the dogs. He lives down behind our apartment building, in a little creek.
Our dog's new favorite pasttime is to lay on the back of the couch and look out the window. Isn't Adelaide so cute?! Usually Brissy lays up on top in the sun.

They love laying on our little deck in the sun!
It's an ok apartment - it's older than our last place, but it's clean and the neighbourhood is nice, which is all that really matters. We are hoping to buy our own house by April next year. We would love to buy one sooner, but it makes more sense for us to wait. Our apartment complex belongs to this company called Equity Residential, and they have this program where 20% of our monthly rent can be used as a downpayment on a house if we build/buy from one of their registered builders! It's a really nice deal, and by April next year we'll have about $7000 from it that we will use to help buy a house. We're also planning on moving out of the DC area by that time (don't worry Anne and Joe, we're sticking around until after you come to visit!) - we're thinking seriously about Denver, Colorado or maybe somewhere in the Chicago area. Houses are way too expensive in this area for us - around here $300,000 will buy you a 2-bedroom condo (if you're lucky, most likely it would only be 1-bedroom), or a dinky old townhouse, whereas in Denver or Illinois you can get a 4-bedroom house for about $200,000! Crazy!! Melyssa thinks that we should move to South Carolina (which is where her and Dave are planning on going sometime soon), so we'll see. We're keeping our options open, but are very excited and keen to move someplace new!
1 comment:
Hey, you guys moved! Wish we could come visit the new place!
As someone who's lived in both Denver and South Carolina, I can definitely recommend both! I lived in an area outside of Denver known as Centennial and it's really nice there, but there are lots of other nice suburbs as well. You can't get any lower in cost of living than in SC! I've lived in 4 different towns in that state and Charleston is the nicest (in my opinion) and the most expensive. Greenville is also beautiful though and homes are SO affordable there! I have friends in both CO and SC so if you do move to one of those, let me know and I'll put you in touch with them! Of course, I know people in Chicago too, but you know most of them as well! :)
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