Well, we're back in the US, safe and sound after a fantastic trip! Jeremy was back at work Wednesday afternoon, and I went back on Thursday (I needed a little recovery time). The flight home was ok, but not nearly as good as the flight over. We were sitting down the back of the plane, where there were only two seats on each window side which was nice, because it meant we didn't have to sit next to anyone and had more leg room than in the regular seats. Unfortunately, neither of us slept very well, even though we had both taken sleeping tablets. Oh well. We arrived home without any hiccups at about 12:30am, but we couldn't get to sleep until the early hours of the morning (how terrible is that time difference?!). And now we're back to business as usual - work, actually eating dinners cooked at home, and being harrassed by our dogs.
And that's about it really. We haven't had time to do anything too exciting. Today we're going to see Spiderman 3 (Jeremy's as excited as a kid a Christmas), and then we're probably going out to a Mexican restaurant/bar to celebrate Cinco de Mayo with some friends. Bring on the margaritas!!
While I'm here, I want to say a big thank you to everyone for making our wedding day so incredible! What a fantastic time! Having everyone there made the day so special, and we only wish that more of Jeremy's family and friends could have been there as well. Here's the one nice picture I've got so far (I believe it was taken by one of my friends). Hopefully we'll have more to share with everyone soon (and I expect to get millions of others from all you happy snappers as well!)...

Congratulations Bec! You look beautiful and soooo happy.
I wish we were there to watch you get married and meet your family. Looking at the picture brought tears to my eyes. Carina said you're the prettiest woman in the world. Marisa said you were the most beautifulist ever. We love you!
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