Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is it Christmas yet?

Seriously, is it? We've been bombarded with tinsel and bells and little plastic Santa's for so long, I'm beginning to think that maybe Christmas just passed us all by while we were busy looking for the perfect gifts. It's been almost 2 months since decorations first started to appear, and I really wish that Christmas would just hurry up and arrive already. I'm ready to stuff my face full of turkey and then sit around, moaning about how I might explode. I'm ready to sit around on Christmas morning, listen to Nat King Cole, and hand out gifts in my pajamas. I'm ready to sit at a giant table, drinking wine and trying to comprehend just one of the 36 different stories that are being told at the same time. I really am dreaming of a white Christmas...and it looks like we might be in luck for that this year. And I really can't wait to hang out with family - as much as I love my husband, it does get a little lonely sometimes with just the two of us, and it will be wonderful to spend time with everyone.

In preparation for the holidays, Jeremy and I have been laying low for the last few weeks. Last Saturday we headed over to a friends house to drink some wine, eat some Christmas cookies and play some games. It was a fun night! We played a round of Cranium, and I discovered that I do NOT know the theme song to James Bond. In fact, I didn't even know that it really had a theme song - I thought it was just some random song and then he shoots at that tunnel thingy and blood comes down...I thought THAT was the theme song. So I failed miserably at Cranium's instructions to hum the theme to James Bond - I ended up humming the theme to Get Smart instead. Oh well. At least I could spell hippopotamus and broccoli. If I ever play Cranium with any of you, be sure to deflect all the yellow spelling questions to me - I'm pretty much the queen of the yellow cards.

And that's about all we've been up to. We've just been hanging around, saving our pennies for our trip back to Chicago next week. Jeremy's sick at the moment, which means that I most likely will be sick right on Christmas day. Thanks, honey.

Oh, and speaking of Christmas...I've just finished reading an article that helps to put things in a little perspective at a time when so many people are caught up with the whole "spend, spend, SPEND" at Christmas time mentality. Enjoy!

Stuff is not Salvation

Oh, and I almost forgot...I don't think I had ever seen or heard this gem from David Bowie and Bing Crosby before. It's beautiful, and I love it!!

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