First off, we finally had our first decent snowfall last week. Now, by "decent" I don't mean New York decent (yes, they did in fact get 8 feet of snow), but decent enough for the Washington DC area. We got close to two inches of snow, and about a half an inch of ice on Wednesday last week. Unfortunately, because of the layer of ice that fell on top of the snow, everything is still slippery and icy, and because the temperatures have barely risen above freezing the ice is yet to melt. Here's some pictures I took this morning, 6 days after the snow fell...

As pretty as it looks, I wish it would hurry up and melt already! Oh well...
On a completely different note, I've decided that it's time for me to grow up and get a real job. Not knowing when I'll get off work (and sometimes start work) each day is starting to drive me crazy, as is my 30 minute commute each way. As much as I love the kids I look after, and as sweet as it is that I get a lot of time off and freebies like hockey tickets, I'm ready to start conversing with adults on a regular basis. The whole nanny thing is starting to wear me out, especially now that Bobby has remarried and I now have to look after his step-kids. It's time for me to move on! I have a couple of job interviews in the next couple of days, so wish me luck and I'll keep everyone posted!
Now, on another completely different note, I've been thinking lately about just how much I've changed since I've been over here. I guess being in a new country and having to adapt to a new society does that to people! Here's a list of things that I would never have tried/accomplished if I hadn't moved over here...
- I now looooove dogs! Big ones, teeny ones, slobbery ones, annoying ones! I can't believe I spent so much of my life being scared of them. I can't wait until we have our own house, and we can get a big ol' thing, like a Mastiff or a Rottweiler. After watching an episode of The Dog Whisperer, we would love to get a Boerboel, but they're super aggressive towards strangers. Oh well.
- Sports - ice hockey is my new favorite thing to watch, and snowboarding is my new favorite thing to do. Both sports are things that I would never, ever have come across had I stayed in Toowoomba.
- Foods - Oh my mother would be astonished to see the types of foods I've come to love since being over here! I peel my own prawns and shell my own crabs (I won't have to ask dad to do my prawns any more)! I actually eat salad with dressing (although it's usually just caesar). Dips, BBQ sauce, all different types of pizza, mustard on sandwiches...the list is huuuge! Although, I still don't like raw tomatoes...yuck!
And of course there's all the not-so-superficial changes - I'm getting married (who knows if I would be doing that if I were still in Toowoomba), I'm definitely more confident and not so scared to try new things, yadda yadda yadda. I'm telling you, everyone needs to do what I did while they still can - I wouldn't change a single thing!
Actually Boerboels are not always agressive towards strangers. They are a dominant breed but how they act is often a reflection of the way they were raised. In the case of that Dog Whisperer episode I think it was pretty obvious the dog should never have been in the hands of that owner.
If you want to know more check out the American Boerboel Club at www.TheABC.US
Most are not super aggressive toward anyone unless there's a reason to be that way. Our 9 month old pup, Marinda, is great with our two young children and all strangers.
I have a blog totally dedicated to Boerboels:
Some people really shouldn't own the breed, and I believe the Dog Whisperer proved that. If you want them to be the perfect Boerboel, you have to work with them to be that way. No dog is instantaneously be one way or another without ANY direction.
Good post.
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