I think that was probably the pinnacle of our not-so-exciting weekend. On Sunday we went out to brunch at this quirky place called Eggspectations. It's this small restaurant group that I had read about in the newspaper. As would be expected from a restaurant with such a name, it serves all day breakfast, with menu items like "Egg-chilada", "Oy Vegg" and "Yoke around the clock". It was pretty good, but it was nowhere near as yummy as our regular brunch haunt, Harry's Tap Room.
Now to the "car" part of this post. On Wednesday (the 18th) Jeremy and I once again scored free tickets to the Caps game in DC. I was driving our Jeep into the city, when all of a sudden we see police lights in the rear-view mirror. Bugger! Our tags (registration) had expired in July, and in DC that's a big deal - they usually take your license plates and impound your car!! Luckily, we have a sticker on the back that lets people know that the car is owned/driven by a cop (0r in Jeremy's case, and ex-cop), and so we got off with a warning. Thank goodness we had that sticker, because my license is in the process of being renewed (immigration stuff...don't ask!), which is a misdemeanor that carries a maximum of 6 months in jail and/or a $1000 fine. Oops! By now I guarantee Dad's sitting there going "Rebecca! You shouldn't be driving at all if that's the case!!". Yeah, yeah..I know it's bad, but I can't not drive!
Anywho, so after that little incident we decided that Jeremy should drive the Jeep until our registration was renewed incase I get pulled over again. So, for a few days I was driving the rental car we got given while the Mustang is being repaired. Then, on Monday, I was on my way to take Caroline to ice-hockey practice. We were driving in peak hour traffic (which in DC is ridiculous!) that was pretty much stopped on a 4-lane highway. There we are, stopped behind another car, when all of a sudden I look in the rear-view mirror and see a car flying towards us. Next minute - BANG! Some wanker (pardon my language, but there's no other way to describe him) had decided that he could drive that fast when everyone else was going at a snail's pace. Anywho, we pulled off the highway to swap information, and he convinced me that I didn't need to call the police (which would have led to me getting in trouble for my license anyways), and I've never been in an accident so I didn't know any better. Yesterday I got a call from his insurance company to hear my side of the story. The stupid guy had told his insurance company that I had missed my exit and was reversing when he hit me! Aarrggh! Yeah, that's exactly what I was doing - reversing in the second lane from the left, in bumper-to-bumper traffic, to an exit that was at least a mile back! Grr...I'm sooooo mad! I'm still waiting to hear from the rental car insurance people, so nothing's been resolved yet, but if they come after me for money when I've done absolutely nothing wrong than there'll be hell to pay! Stupid bad drivers! I guess the good news is that the damage was minimal, and neither Caroline nor I were hurt (well, my neck's been sore but it's feeling ok today).
And that brings us up to now. It's cold cold cold here! It's not winter yet and the last week it hasn't gotten above about 55 degrees (about 12 degrees celcius). Brrr!
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