Our week was pretty uneventful. Although I had the week off, Jeremy still had to work. All I did was sleep in and sit around watching MTV, waiting for him to come home. How exciting! Tuesday was the 4th of July, so Jeremy had the day off. We didn't do a whole lot during the day - we went shopping for a bit, nothing too exciting. For dinner we went into this gorgeous part of Virginia called Old Town. It's very old, very expensive and very pretty. The houses are pretty much all row houses, like this, but are huuuuge and can cost up to $3 or $4 million (did I mention that the people I'll be working for live there?). Anyway, we went to a really nice restaurant down on the water called the Chart House, which is known for its seafood. My food was average, but Jeremy raved about his, so at least one of us was excited. Afterwards, we staked out a place on the dock to try to watch the fireworks in DC, but to our dismay there were trees blocking our view. So much to Jeremy's disgust, we left Old Town after missing the fireworks. And that was our 4th of July.
Friday night we joined some friends in Baltimore, Maryland for a night at the symphony. The Baltimore Symphony Orchestra is doing a Sounds of Summer concert series, so we made our way there for the Best of Baroque. It was really nice - I had never been to a symphony performance, so it was certainly something new for me. Afterwards, we went out to dinner where our friends lay a huge surprise on us...our good friends, Eric and Shannon, are having a baby! It's so exciting!! Shannon's 6 weeks along. We're all so happy for them - they're wonderful people and I'm sure they'll make great parents. I'm so excited!! Another baby to play with!
Saturday we spent the day lounging around, watching movies and recovering (we got home after 2am). Then today, Jeremy and I went to Kings Dominion amusement park. I was so excited! I can't even remember the last time I went to an amusement park! And the parks here are 100 times better than anything I've ever been to. We went on 6 rollercoasters, 3 of which were old-school wooden coasters, 2 water rides (Jeremy and I got soaked!), and walked about 100 miles. It was soooooo much fun! My favorite was the crazy Hypersonic, which uses compressed air to launch you straight up in the air, and then you hurtle straight down and around a little bit. Oh my god! I never, ever thought I would want to go on a ride like that, but I'm so glad we did. It was the most awesome thing ever! Woo!! Poor Jeremy blacked out up the top, that's how fast we were going. I kept my eyes open the whole time. It was sheer craziness!

The Hypersonic, baby! Yeah!

Me at the bottom, waiting in line to go on...
And that brings us up to now. It's 7pm on Sunday, and I'm exhausted after a looooong day at Kings Dominion. Now I'm dreading going back to work, but at least I have lots of good memories from this past week.
Oh, and in case you can't tell by the photo above, my hair is now back to dark. I decided to get it colored back to my natural color, so I can let it grow out and not have to worry about roots showing. It cost me half a fortune to get it done at the salon, and now I'm adjusting to it being so dark. But it looks really good, and I'm excited to know that I won't have to worry about dyeing it any more!
Late edit: I had my first ride on Jeremy's bike tonight! Yay! We rode it only a couple of blocks to Chipotle for dinner, and then to the gas station. It was sooooo much fun! Although we were only going about 45 miles/hour, it felt like we were zooming along. Now I really want to get my motorbike license so I can drive it too!

Jeremy on his monster bike!


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