Well, I've finally decided to start a "blog" as a means of keeping everyone I love up to date with my not-so-exciting life. Hopefully this will eliminate the need for me to email everyone on a constant basis (something I'm notoriously bad at remembering to do), while providing a colorful-yet-informative way for me to keep in touch. Check back whenever you want, but I can pretty much guarantee I won't have much to post except for a weekly rambling. Feel free to pass on whatever you read to whomever you want - like I said, I'm not the most exciting person in the world so I'm sure there will be nothing too sensitive on here.
Oh, and Grandma & Grandpa, don't worry - these things are super easy to use! Yay for technology!
What's this kissing, flollicking stuff? - A dad with a girl far from home
Yeah, I am kind of curious what that is, too. Mr. Wells, I'll make sure I keep an eye on that. If I see any of that going on, I'll definitely put a stop to it.
Nice tan Bec :-)!! Hope data analysis is going ok :-S... This page is a great idea!
Lots a love, Dee xx
HI Bec, great to see that you finally decided to get your act together and find a way to keep in contact with all your Aussie family who love and miss you. We look forward to keeping up with your 'boring' life ...not! Who knows we might even send an Aussie cousin or two to visit from time to time. Love to you both. The Munsters!!!
Mr. Wells,
I actually took a 3 day class last year, 8 hours per day in 90 degree...or for you Aussies, 35 degree heat, with 80% humidity wearing long sleeves, blue jeans, boots and a helmet; it was brutal. I am extremely careful on the motorbike. I always wear a helmet and a heavily padded jacket and gloves. I haven't had Bec on it yet, but when I do, I promise, I will be even more cautious than I normally am. My dad is just as worried as you are about me and Bec on the bike, so if something bad were to happen, I would have the wrath of 2 fathers to face; I don't want that, so I promise to be safe...oh, and I don't have to worry about the insect swarm due to the helmet.
You people are lunatics!!
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