Thursday, September 07, 2006


It's official. Jeremy and I are now roomies! Woo! I have moved all my stuff (junk) in and have plans to stay permanently. It's so great to be finally living with him and knowing that I never have to leave is so wonderful and exciting. It's fun being able to make our home together - on the weekend we went shopping for laundry hampers and groceries. There are no words that can express how great it feels. Yay!!

I also started my new nannying job on Tuesday. It's been a little crazy as the family gets organized after summer vacations, but we've kind of got our routine down. I start working at about 2:30pm, when I pick up Will (the youngest) from school. Then it's off to get a snack from the bakery or the ice-cream parlor and home for some homework. At 3:40 it's off again to get Russell from the busstop, and then the whole snack/homework thing repeats. After that it's time to do some laundry, and get ready for dinner. Usually I get off around 6 or 7pm, sometimes earlier and sometimes later. So far it's been great - it's so much fun to spend time with kids that you can joke around with, have regular conversations with and not have to dictate what they should be doing at any given time. Bob & Elizabeth have been so great - they've welcomed me with open arms, for which I'm extremely grateful.

And that's about all that's been happening here. Not too exciting, I know. So to spark at least some interest, here's some photos I stumbled upon on Jeremy's computer these past few days.

Brisbane and Adelaide (I think this was taken shortly after we brought Adelaide home)

Me at the White House

Jeremy at the White House