The first fantastic news I have is that on Tuesday (?, maybe it was Monday) Jeremy and I finally received approval to move in together! It's about time! My background check is still in the process of being signed, but now I'm finally allowed to live with Jeremy. I'm so excited and of course relieved - it's such a weight off both our minds knowing that I can move in without him losing his job. Yay!
Speaking of moving in...On Thursday Marianne and I made the 5 hour drive to Stamford, Connecticut to pick up Jessica, their new au pair. We collected her (and her heavy bags) from the hotel in Connecticut and then made our way into New York City for the night. Marianne made reservations for us to stay in the Hotel Wolcott, which was a mere stone's throw away from the bustling center of Manhattan. It was a really cute, old hotel complete with striped wallpaper and floral drapes. Thursday night we rode the subway to The Brooklyn Diner (The finer diner!) for dinner. They had really good food - according to the New York Times they have the best cheeseburger in Manhattan! After stuffing ourselves we walked the 20 or so blocks back to the hotel. Our route took us through the center of Times Square, past Madison Square Garden and along Broadway. Wow! It may be dirty, but NYC is such an exciting place! I love it. I would love to live smack bang in the middle of Manhattan, just for a year or so, just so I could experience everything the city has to offer (although that will never happen - Jeremy hates the Big Apple). On Friday we decided to check out the Statue of Liberty, since both Jessica and I had only ever seen it from afar. So we hopped on the ferry and hopped off onto Liberty Island. Since 9/11 they don't let people go up into her crown, but they do allow you to go up to the observation level at the bottom of the statue. We didn't get to do that though, because they only sell a certain amount of tickets and, of course, we missed out. Still, it was pretty cool to see her up close. After that we hopped back on the ferry and hopped off onto Ellis Island. Those of you who have seen the movie Hitch will know a little about Ellis Island. It's the place where all immigrants were sent in the early 1900's to clear customs and whatnot. It was pretty amazing to stand on the little island that had seen so many thousands of people pass through. They do have a wall of plaques showing the names of every person who has been allowed into the country. It was pretty neat.
Now comes the best news of all! When I was on my way to NYC on Thursday, Jeremy called to tell me that Ford had this great deal going that meant that all vehicles could be bought with 0% interest over 6 years. So of course, he just had to go see if we would qualify for a loan that would allow him to get his dream car - the 2006 Mustang GT. Turns out we did qualify, and so late Thursday I got a message from him declaring that we were now the proud new owners of a cherry red Mustang GT coupe. That boy!! We picked up the car today (Saturday), and I think we're both officially in love with it! It's so shiny and new and FAST! Woo!! V8 engine baby! All leather interior! 6 stacker in-dash cd player! Some nifty gizmo that lets us change the color of the instrument panel to one of 120 shades! Yay!! I've claimed dibbs on it for the last week of work down at Bob and Marianne's, because I know that once I move in he'll be driving it every day to work and I'll be using the Jeep. It sure is fancy though!! Check out the picks!

Leather seats, leather wrapped steering wheel....leather everything!

Soooo shiny!

Twin exhausts, of course!

Imagine this beast coming up behind you!


Pretty flashy, huh?! By the way, that's Jeremy's (and soon to be my) apartment complex in the background. Notice that black SUV in the background? That will be my car.
And I think that's all the news. I start work with the new family on the 5th of September (wish me luck!). I'll be moving in with Jeremy next weekend, after I make sure that Jessica and the girls have settled in and everything's organized. How exciting!!